Breaking Free from the Roles That Define Us  

Written About My Experience on June 28, 2024

Sometimes we get into a pattern of life where we know ourselves, and others know us in a certain way. And sometimes all these ways in which we are known become our limitation. Tonight, I had an opportunity to break out of that. It has been a long-time dream of mine but something I had also long forgotten because I didn’t think it was possible… to do stand-up comedy.

Stepping Onto the Stage: Fear Meets Aliveness

Tonight, here in Lisbon, I did my first comedy set at a comedy club. There were so many emotions building up to this night: fear, excitement, nausea, and a sense of aliveness—a sense I haven’t felt in a long time. The aliveness came from this feeling I’ve had inside, a knowing that there was something in me with greater potential than I allowed myself to believe. This aliveness was about taking the risk to let that potential emerge. The anticipation of my unrealized potential coming to fruition was invigorating.

Forgotten Potential: Why We Hold Ourselves Back

We all have amazing potential hidden within us that we’ve forgotten. This forgetfulness comes from past experiences telling us to live a certain way, fears that prevent us from putting ourselves out there, or simply inertia—telling ourselves we’re happy enough, content enough, life is good enough. But deep down, we know something is missing. There’s an aliveness, enthusiasm, and zest that we yearn for. Tonight, I met that aliveness, zest, and enthusiasm in me, and I’m deeply grateful.

The Power of Doing What Scares You

What I realized tonight is that the things that scare us most are often the things we need to do to feel alive. Fear and excitement are two sides of the same coin. The fear I felt before stepping on that stage wasn’t a signal to stop but a sign that I was on the edge of something important. The anticipation was more powerful than the fear itself.

It’s Never Too Late to Pursue Forgotten Dreams

We often let our dreams drift into the distance, thinking it’s too late, we’re too old, or too settled. But it’s never too late. The part of us that dreamed is still there—waiting, hoping, and quietly nudging us to take the risk. Sometimes, it takes years to finally listen, but it’s always worth it.

Courage Is Feeling Fear and Acting Anyway

Courage isn’t the absence of fear—it’s feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Tonight, I realized I was more capable than I thought. I was able to grow beyond the version of myself I had accepted for so long. The outcome wasn’t the point. The act of trying, of stepping into the unknown, was where the magic happened.

A Challenge to You: Take the Leap

So, I challenge you: What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to do but never tried? Whether it’s taking a class, changing careers, moving to a new city, or sharing your story—take the leap. The outcome is secondary. What matters is the courage it takes to try. And no matter what, you will walk away richer, braver, and more alive.

Conclusion: Take the risk. Feel the aliveness. You won’t regret it.


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